The handling of the gases used in the thermal processes in which we specialize is a fundamental part of our business. Concern for the environment, the search for sustainable solutions and the desire to help our clients meet increasingly demanding standards have led us to gain experience in this area.

Enercom dust collectors consider the optimum performance of the equipment to which they are associated.

We design and manufacture: bag filters, cyclones, washing towers and fans.

We take care of the environmental impact

Our solutions are validated by the relevant agencies to make the use of all Enercom solutions in industrial plants viable.

Efficiency and Effectiveness

The expertise of our engineers ensures a correct selection of the elements required to ensure a correct gas treatment.

Community friendly

Our fine material and odor abatement systems allow our customers and the community to operate in harmony.


Our equipment is durable and reliable, we work with the best products in the industry.

STGs are a set of control and particulate material trapping mechanisms, which generally work in series to achieve the required parameters. Dry cyclones, wet cyclones, Demisters, Baghouses and Scrubbers are used together with centrifugal fans.


The high efficiency cyclone ducts designed by Enercom allow the recovery of fine particulates from the dryer exhaust gases. The efficiency of the cyclone ducts is optimal for particles in the range of 50 to 100 microns.

Sleeve Filters

Baghouses enable compliance with particulate emission standards in dryer exhaust gases. Particles down to 0.2 microns in diameter are efficiently captured by baghouses.

Torrer Washing Machines

In addition to removing particulates, scrubber towers allow us to absorb gases that are released during the drying process. The composition of the gases and the emission limits allow us to calculate the chemical agents needed to abate them and to design highly efficient and effective scrubber towers.

Centrifugal Fans

Selection, design, manufacture and maintenance of centrifugal fans for heavy industrial use. We provide technical advice to identify the specific requirements of your process.

Materials and processes

Our experience designing and building drying solutions for different applications allows us to adapt our gas treatment systems to each process and material. Our gas treatment systems can be used in the following processes and applications:

  • Combustion gases
  • Cooling gases
  • Capture of fine particulate matter
  • Capture and treatment of drying vapors